sexta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2012

breve, breve, escreverei apenas na língua de Shakespeare, poupo caracteres (falta-me contudo domar os títulos, e o néon)

I´m looking for me into your eyes.

I could have written a forest about you

take my lips. let's have a drink
temptation. falling for you was a matter of time
always this exciting? I've to get used to it

not going to play that tune. I'd rather play you
thinking about sex? only? no! for instance thinking about having sex with you.
places around the world where sex is an art. i.e. my bed
watching the world from another perspective. now you stay on top
your legs would be prettier embracing my shoulders

if you name it love then it must be a crime

7 comentários:

  1. Anónimo18:51

    A Imelda pensa de que

    1. Um sinal + na caderneta :)

    2. "I´m looking for me into your eyes."
      It should be better if you gets a mirror, like Cinderella's step-mother

  2. Estou em época de congraçamento mundial pela passagem do Natal. Recuso-me a submeter-me aos pensamentos pervertidos e lascivos de Vª Srª So sorry, fellow...You should increase your thougts about, don't be allwats a little dwarf.

    1. "allways" minhas desculpas como diria a Isabel

  3. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  4. Pra qu'é c'andas c'a moça às cavalitas?
