Friday, 8 July 2011

Pietro Chelli

1.º Prémio - Best in Show, New York Photo Festival 2011


  1. Margarida16:31

    O Iraque é q é bom p manter a linha, ou são duas pessoas diferentes?

  2. Regina Vasquez - Born 3/12/1978

    Regina Served honorably in the Marine Corps as a Transportation Specialist. While training for her job she was drugged and raped by two Marines. The platoon Sargent of those two Marines supplied ecstasy for them to use on Regina by putting it in her glass. After the incident Regina tried to report it the same platoon Sargent threatened her by telling her she would lose everything and her life. Regina became scared and decided not to tell but rather keep what happened to her a secret which later developed into post-traumatic stress disorder from experiencing military sexual trauma.

    The same platoon Sargent had video tapes of woman getting raped and sold them for his own profit. While serving overseas at her first duty station Okinawa Japan Regina endured sexual harassment and gender discrimination when she became pregnant the harassment escaladed. Despite her needs as a pregnant woman she received no pre-natal care whatsoever as well as being constantly harassed sexually by other militaries who knew about her pregnancy state. In an advanced pregnancy state when she was medically ordered in bed no one brought her food and each time she walked out of bed to get food on her own she was written down by the other militaries on duty. No one cared that she was pregnant. Exposed to high levels of stress as well as chemicals she was in contact with while carrying out her duty her pregnancy was severely affected and her son was born with cerebral palsy a condition which needs important treatments.

    When she was discharged from the military the chance for a claim ceased to be valid as a result of the statute of limitations. As a result the government who would have been held responsible of these events if the mother had any other job other than being in the military is not offering any support for her son's treatments.

  3. Margarida16:49

    Peço desculpa, sinto-me péssima pelo comentário q fiz.
    Não fazia a mínima!
    Q filhos da puta!Todos!

    Os USA conseguem ter o melhor e o mais horrível!

  4. home, caray, home! tirem-me deste filme.

    porcos nojentos.

  5. A carreira militar feminina nos EUA é uma enorme hipocrisia em nome da igualdade entre os sexos. Na verdade quantas histórias destas, não haverão?
