domingo, 12 de dezembro de 2010

Wikileaks - Millenium BCP - Carlos Santos Ferreira, Presidente do Conselho de Administração, propôs-se espiar o Irão para os EUA

«On February 5, Millennium Executive Board Chairman Carlos Santos Ferreira discussed the proposal with Poleconoff and its possible benefit to the USG. While he claimed that the costs could outweigh the benefits
to Millennium, Ferreira is willing to establish a relationship with Iran to help the USG track Iranian assets and financial activities.»

Aqui e aqui

1 comentário:

  1. "Early last year, the Iranian Embassy in Lisbon
    contacted Ferreira, who had previous contact with that embassy while serving as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Oeiras Foundation (1987-1989), a state entity that he says
    sold munitions to Iran more than 20 years ago..."

    tá bonito tá ...
